Creemos que la participación constante de los estudiantes del puerto de Nueva York en actividades extracurriculares desarrolla al "estudiante completo" y los beneficiará social, emocional, física y académicamente.
El día de un estudiante de Harbor School
no se detiene para el ferry de las 3:00 pm. . .
Antes y después de la escuela es un momento muy emocionante para estar en New York Harbor School. En un día cualquiera:
Los barcos se construyen a mano con madera y se botan
¡Se ganan campeonatos de baloncesto!
Los estudiantes de primer año que nunca han estado en el agua pero sueñan con ser buceadores se convierten en nadadores de por vida.
Las flores y las verduras brotan del suelo compostado.
A través de la participación en actividades después de la escuela, los estudiantes desarrollan habilidades de carácter, administración ambiental, carrera y vida. Atributos tales como confiabilidad, respeto, responsabilidad, equidad, cariño y civismo se convierten en el enfoque de estos programas de actividades.
Los clubes y los deportes cambian cada año y según la temporada. No todos se ofrecen cada semestre. Los estudiantes deben escuchar los anuncios del segundo período sobre la feria de información e inscribirse, lo que generalmente ocurre a fines de septiembre y fines de enero.
Los clubes se reúnen después de la escuela a menos que se indique lo contrario. Los días y los horarios pueden cambiar, así que escuche los anuncios y lea las publicaciones de la escuela para obtener actualizaciones periódicas.
Girls Lead
Marine Engineering
Marine Engineering allows students to delve deeply into what it takes to maintain our fleet of vessels in safe and efficient operating condition.
As members of US Sailing, the Interscholastic Sailing Association (ISSA), and through local sailing organizations such as Hudson River Community Sailing, Harbor School offers a sailing program of dinghy
Student Council
The Harbor School Student Council is the official student body government. The officers are elected by the students and represent the student body in consultations with school administration. The Council organizes multiple events throughout the year. The full Council meets weekly on Thursday mornings and committees meet as needed, typically on Tuesday mornings or after school.
Youth Applied Maritime Studies
In afterschool boatbuilding students learn the basics of woodworking, shop safety, project planning and design while collaboratively building wooden craft for use in the school’s on-water programs. Students gain valuable skills in carpentry, tool usage, shop etiquette, teamwork, leadership, and project completion.
Future Farmers of America
Harbor Anglers
Moth Storytelling Club
Students experience what it is like to perform maintenance tasks such as oil changes, filter changes general vessel upkeep, troubleshoot real life mechanical and electrical issues come up with solutions and implement, maintain records, communicate in a professional manner and develop leadership skills.
Student for Climate Action
Video Gaming
Harbor Corps
Harbor Corps is a student leadership group whose members are drawn from all eight CTEs. They meet once a week to exchange information about their programs, plan collaborative events focused on harbor and estuary issues, and perform volunteer work for the Billion Oyster Project.
Restorative Justice
Social Studies Internship Program
Waterfront Club
The WaterfrontClub is a Inter Career and Technical peer leadership based program designed to maintain and operate the NYHS and BOP’s fleet of vessels, docks and waterfront facilities. Students enrolled in the program participate in a Scouting BSA Advancement Curriculum which awards achievements in a wide variety of maritime skills including: boat handling, safety, navigation, teamwork and leadership. Students participate with a year long commitment that includes work in the summer and on weekends. Student leadership positions are elected and faculty participate in an advisory capacity.
Chess Club
Garden, Wellness, Sustainability Club
Harbor Ironworks
Rowing is the oldest and largest club at NY Harbor School. We learn seamanship, leadership, sportsmanship, navigation while rowing open water, traditionally built Whitehall Gigs in NY Harbor. We compete against other New England crews in 2 – 3 competitions a season and typically come home with first place awards. We row male, female and mixed crews.
Swimming Lessons & Practice
Winter Workouts
Winter Workouts is the largest after school club which boasts a roster of over 60 students. Students have the opportunity to learn the importance of physical fitness and living a healthy lifestyle. Students are challenged in a boot-camp style environment which consists of vigorous calisthenics, strength training, and muscle endurance training exercises. It also serves as a physical fitness club for the rowing team and for non-rowers with a focus on cardiorespiratory endurance training and muscle strength and endurance exercises
Compost Club
Girls Basketball
Magic the Gathering
Harbor SEALS are the Sea, Estuary, Air, and Land (SEALs) Citizen Science Monitoring program at the New York Harbor School. Our purpose is to bring together Citizen Scientists to monitor the health of the Hudson River Estuary, educate the public, and create the conditions to help bring the harbor seal back to NYC. For, once the harbor seal accepts the NY Harbor again as part of its habitat, we will have made a positive difference in our environment.
Softball Skill Building
Tank Watch
Yearbook "The Tide"