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New York Harbor School, graduation day on Governors Island
Préparation à l'université (et au-delà)

Le College and Career Office de la New York Harbor School se consacre à aider les étudiants à planifier leurs études et leur carrière.

Notre Bureau Collège et Carrière

J'entame maintenant ma huitième année en tant que conseiller de l'université de Harbour School, je suis ravi de rejoindre la classe de 2023 dans son cheminement vers l'université.


Je suis une conseillère dévouée, émotionnellement investie et réfléchie, qui valorise et incarne une approche holistique basée sur les forces du développement des jeunes, avec un accent particulier sur la préparation et l'accès à l'université et à la carrière.


Mes élèves signifient le monde pour moi et alimentent la passion de ma vie de fournir aux jeunes adultes des conseils primordiaux lors de leur transition du lycée et de leurs études collégiales et d'autres opportunités postsecondaires.


Jessica L. Cuevas

Directrice de l'orientation universitaire et professionnelle

L'Assemblée urbaine de l'école du port de New York


T. 212-458-0800 poste. 2162

F. 212-458-0801

Touring SUNY Maritime

Counseling by Grade

 Your child will probably experience several transitions - adjusting to a new learning environment, making new friends, building relationships with new teachers and staff, and becoming more independent. Your child needs your support and involvement to help them make a smooth transition to high school. Get ready to begin a new journey with your child. Click here for 9th Grade Planning Guide For Families.


Starting a new school is an exciting endeavor . . .

Now that your child will be enrolled into their CTE courses, it's a good time for him or her to take on new challenges and really begin to explore college and career options and pathways.  It's never too early to conduct research, nor is it too early to start thinking about standardized tests. Click here for 10th Grade Planning Guide For Families.


Ninth grade is officially behind you!  

 Junior year is indeed the most important year of high school, and it's time to get serious about your child's college process.  Your child will take the SAT or ACT, enroll in AP classes, begin developing their college lists and ask their teachers for recommendation letters. Click here for 11th Grade Planning Guide For Families.


Half-way through high school!

 Your child is in the final stretch of their high school career and will begin making important decisions about life after graduation – enrolling in college, joining the workforce, enlisting in the military or pursuing other career opportunities. More transitions are on the horizon and your child will need a lot of support from you during the college application process.  More specifically, they will need your help with securing and understanding financial aid.  Help  them stay on top of their A-game with their applications and make good financial decisions. Click here for 12th Grade Planning Guide For Families.


Congratulations! Senior year has finally arrived. 

Besoin d'une information rapide ? Vous êtes arrivé au bon endroit!

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