Marine Biology Research

New York Harbor School's Marine Biology Research Program will jump start you in core marine science topics employing hands-on, problem-based learning strategies.
Marine Biology and Research students begin by creating Aquatic Ecosystem Models (AEMs) to learn the basics in biology, ecology, and oceanography. Intermediate students acquire college level reading, writing, and statistics skills while creating a project. Advanced students finish their research projects in marine biology with the help of scientists and propose solutions to environmental problems.

Mauricio Gonzalez, M.Sc., NYHS Faculty
Introductory Marine Research
Intermediate Marine Research
Advanced Marine Research
Advanced Marine Biology
Career and Financial Management
Industry Recognized Summative Assessments
NOCTI Natural Resource Systems
Digital Quest SPACE Geographic Information Systems
SUNY Albany Science Research Project (SRC Reviewed Research Plan, Written Paper, Presentation to panel of science at regional fair)
The MBRP is a three-year program that will jump start you in core marine science topics employing hands-on, problem-based learning strategies. In these challenging college level courses, you’ll begin by creating Aquatic Ecosystem Models to learn the basics in biology, ecology, and oceanography.
As an intermediate student, you will choose one of two paths: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or Independent Marine Research (Indy). In the GIS path, you’ll learn strong basic and intermediate skills in map making using ArcGIS. Then you’ll apply your skills on a real-world project or work in collaboration with an Indy scholar. As an Indy scholar, you’ll acquire college level reading, writing, and statistics skills while creating a project. As an advanced Indy scholar, you’ll finish your research project with the help of a scientist and, ultimately, use your own data to propose resource management solutions for the Hudson-Raritan Estuary.
Along both paths you’ll learn how to manage projects, submit professional reports, and present at national and international conferences. You’ll also be given important career development opportunities such as career exploration techniques, resume writing, and ePortfolio development. Both paths lead to potential internships depending on your level of proficiency, professionalism, and enthusiasm. Depending on your path, you’ll be eligible for 18 college credits and various certifications that will give you a competitive advantage in college and industry.
Research scholars in this program have gone on to universities such as Fordham, Columbia, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, Vanderbilt, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania with full scholarships to pursue careers in Marine Biology, Environmental & Mechanical Engineering, Finance, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, and other challenging careers. They have also won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize in the prestigious NYC Science and Engineering fair over all public and private schools in the city.