Professional Advisory Commitee

The Professional Advisory Committee is comprised of over sixty professionals from industry and higher education. Members team up with our school's CTE instructors to advise on curriculum and work-based learning opportunities, college programs, and career opportunities.
ACTA Maritime Development
ACTA Maritime Development
American Boat and Yacht Council
Baruch College
Bayonne Dry Dock & Repair Corp.
Black Rock Forest Consortium
Borough of Manhattan Community
Brookhaven Labs
Caddell Dry Dock and Repair Co., Inc
Captain Mikes Diving
Carnegie Melon
City Aquarium
City College/CUNY
Classic Harbor Line
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cyclops Research & Development, Inc
Duro UAS
Earth Matter NY
East Coast Shellfish Growers Association
Econcrete Tech
Fathom Solutions
Fireboat John J. Harvey
Fishers Island Oysters
Fordham University
GMD Shipyard
Governors Island Alliance
Harbor Ferry Services, LLC
Harlem CDC
Holland and Knight, LLP
Hudson River Community Sail
Hudson River Foundation
John Bowne High School
Kirby Corporation
Kingsborough Community College
L.S. Industries
Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory
Liberty Landing Marina
Lockheed Martin SERAS
Manhattan College
Marine Corps.
MATE Center
McAllister Towing
Mermaid’s Garden
Metropolitan Waterfront Alliance
New York-New Jersey Harbor
& Estuary Program Office
The Nature Conservancy
New York Media Boat
New York Water Taxi
NOAA – Northeast and
Great Lakes Region
NY Aquarium/Wildlife Conservation Society
NYC Department of Education
NYC Department Of Environmental Protection
NYC Department of Transportation
NYPD Maritime
Ocean and Coastal Consultants
Olde Forge Organics
Osphy Marine
Outside New York
Persak & Wurmfeld
Regional Plan Association
Roger Williams University
Rozalia Project
Rutgers University
Sandy Hook Pilots
SanSail, Inc.
SCRIPPS Institute of Oceanography
Sea Savers
SeArc Ecological Marine Consulting
Seas and Marine
Silver Screen Marine
Smithtown High School
Sound School
South Street Seaport Museum
St. Francis College
Statue Cruises
Stevens Institute of Technology
Stony Brook University
Suntex Marinas
SUNY Maritime College
The River Project
Thomson Reuters
Tom Fox Associates
U.S. EPA Region 2
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Vane Brothers, Port of New York
Waterkeeper Alliance
Westlawn Institute of
Marine Technology
Working Harbor Committee
Yellow Spring Instruments

Rob Markuske
Marine Affairs
Rebecca Resner
Ocean Engineering
Dorick "Rick" Lee

Welding & Fabrication
Randall "Clarke" Dennis

Professional Diving
Lenny Speregen
Marine Systems Technology
Chris Green
Learn More
The PAC meets annually in a general session and, at least, one additional time in subcommittees for each of the school’s eight CTE programs of study. To learn more about PAC and its work through subcommittees or to volunteer to be a PAC member, please contact the school’s CTE instructors.