Vessel Operations

Vessel Operations prepares students for careers as licensed deck crews as well as serving as a stepping stone into management and operations positions aboard small passenger vessels and commercial towing units.
Many students choose career pathways within the passenger vessels, marine transportation, and the tug and barge industry. Students enrolled in the program experience 6 semesters of hands on and practical experience in navigation, safety training and seamanship. Students participate in a robust work based learning program that connect job shadowings, guest speakers and internships.

Capt. Aaron Singh, NYHS Faculty asingh@newyorkharborschool.org
Capt. Mark Melendez, Billion Oyster Project
VO-1 Basic Seamanship
VO-2 Intro to Maritime Careers
VO-3 Coastal Piloting and Seamanship
VO-4 Safety at Sea
VO-5 US Boat Handling
VO-6 USCG Lic/Internship
Industry Recognized Summative Assessments
NYS Safe Boating Certificate
US Power Boating Certificate
FCC Marine Operators Permit
Red Cross First Aid/CPR/AED
USCG Limited Masters License
Vessel operations students will receive extensive theoretical and practical training in navigation, boat handling, seamanship, safety and industry rules and standards. Students train on the school’s vessels and through internships in the marine field during their last two years in the program. Internships will provide excellent opportunities to apply for positions upon graduation.